
BLOG Hero - a creative career

A creative career: Where do you think you're going?

What the hell have I done?

Alan Stobie

BLOG Hero - has the world gone colourbland?

Has the world gone colourbland?

I’ve noticed something over the last few years.

Alan Stobie

BLOG Hero - crisis communications PEAR

PEAR: Reputation runs through the core of your pear

Reputation. The core of the PEAR. How you respond to an issue relating to People, the Environment and the Asset all has a long-standing impact on your Reputation, internally and externally.

Andy Groundwater


How to boost your exports through communication

Exports play a massive part in the business of many energy companies in the UK. You can gain a significant advantage in owning the space in a new market by maximising the use of your existing business infrastructure.

Andrew Bradshaw

BLOG Hero - crisis communications PEAR

PEAR: Protecting every asset in responding to an incident

So far in this series we have looked at the importance of looking after People and Environment in a time of crisis, so the attention now turns to the third word of the PEAR acronym: Asset.

Andy Groundwater

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Better communication is critical to the North Sea’s future

The latest annual Energy Transition report on the North Sea couldn’t be clearer about the challenges facing the region. How can these challenges be resolved?

Andrew Bradshaw

BLOG Hero - Don’t just get a story in your head. Get it into other peoples’ heads too

Don’t just get a story in your head. Get it into other peoples’ heads too

You have to be interesting. Anyone can create a dull ad. Of course they can. But to create something that proverbially hits people between the eyes and ears is where you have to be. Nobody got bored into buying anything.

Alan Stobie

BLOG Hero - crisis communications PEAR

PEAR: A safe learning environment can ease the pain when an incident happens

Environment. It is – dare I say – the hot topic across the news, and one that many feel extremely passionate about.

Andy Groundwater

FR Blog - why copywriting doesnt mean sht -508178484

Why copywriting in 2024 doesn't mean shit

Copywriting is a fine art. It takes years of training and refinement to do this well. Fifth Ring Creative Director and copywriter shares his thoughts.

Alan Stobie


Sparking creativity: insightful guidance for future marketers

Our Senior Content Specialist, Blair Robertson, recently took part in an inspiring project to delve into the heart of creativity and offer some inspiring wisdom to students.

Blair Robertson