What I learned
- I learned about what Fifth Ring actually accomplishes as a company and the success it has with clients. I found this interesting because I thought it would be one employee per project and I had never realised how many different jobs contributed to the end result. Each employee is as important as each other in adding to the final outcome because there are so many aspects to each project and the way it can be marketed.
- I also learned that advertising isn’t as simple as a print ad or a video and there are many ways to market products or companies. I didn’t realise how diverse marketing could be and it has definitely given me more of an insight into how creative you can actually be in the industry.
- I learned that behind simple advert ideas is very complex and creative thinking. I found it fascinating to see the mindful thinking that goes behind ideas, because if an advert isn’t easy to understand and simple then it won’t grab attention. I learned that you need to think about the bigger picture, such as a campaign rather than one print ad idea, as you can do so much more with your plan.
- I also learned about inbound marketing – a new theory that helps educate customers rather than overtly selling to them. This interested me because it gives the customer all the power when it comes to buying and helps them find you. You don’t find them. This revolutionary idea means that businesses need to work harder to educate their customers and attract them through the buyer journey.
What I enjoyed
- I enjoyed thinking up ideas to advertise different products and learning so much more about what makes a successful advert. I learned that less is more when it comes to advertising and it’s always the simple ideas that are effective. I am really thankful for the great advice I was given that will stick with me forever as it helped me to understand the strategic thinking behind the different ideas.
- I also enjoyed the atmosphere in the workplace as everyone was extremely helpful and it was obvious everyone was passionate about their career and was very hard working, which was inspiring as that’s exactly the kind of workplace I would like to be in some day.
- I also enjoyed how creative you can be in marketing. Your job would never get boring as each project is different and companies need help with different aspects to improve their marketing. I like the fact it’s not repetitive and that you’re helping companies to achieve their goals.
We enjoyed having you around Anna. Thanks for your insight and for being a great team member!